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Man's impact on the Ecosystem | impact of man on the ecosystem

An ecosystem is a structural and functional unit of nature, where organisms interact with each other and also with the surrounding physical environment.

Examples of ecosystems are pond ecosystems, grassland ecosystems, forest ecosystems, desert ecosystems, marine ecosystems, etc. The ecosystem includes both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Ecosystems can be very small (ponds) and very large (forests, seas).

Humans are part of the ecosystem but humans have affected each and every component of the ecosystem (biotic and abiotic) and humans have influenced ( and also affected) the relationships between the various components of the ecosystem (such as energy flow, food web, food chain, nutrient cycle, and symbiosis relationship.

Impact of Humans on the Ecosystem:

The following are the impact of the ecosystem-


Human beings have polluted almost all the abiotic components of the ecosystem like air, water, and soil. Pollution in abiotic components has reduced the productivity of the ecosystem. For example, pollution in water bodies severely affects the productivity of the pond ecosystem.

The increasing pollution level in the ecosystem has weakened the self-sustaining nature of the ecosystem.

Loss of Habitat and ecosystem:

Humans have encroached upon the areas of the ecosystem and reduced them. Almost all ecosystem areas have been reduced whether it is a forest ecosystem, river ecosystem, or pond ecosystem.

Deforestation has reduced the land of the forest ecosystem. Deforestation is the conversion of forest areas into non-forests. As estimated, about 40% of the forest ecosystem in tropical regions was lost due to deforestation.

Soil is a basic essential component of many ecosystems such as grassland and forest ecosystems. Fertile soils take hundreds of years to develop, and terrestrial ecosystems in particular are largely dependent on soils. Soil erosion is caused by human activities such as intensive farming, unrestricted grazing, deforestation, and poor irrigation practices. Topsoil erosion reduces ecosystem productivity and disrupts energy flow.

Slash and burn agriculture or shifted (Jhum farming) farming also causes ecosystem loss of both biotic and abiotic components.

Loss of biodiversity;

Biodiversity has decreased due to human activities some organisms have become extinct and many are on the verge of extinction. Loss of biodiversity causes disturbances in energy flow and the overall health of the ecosystem. For example, the lack of grass in the grassland ecosystem affects the feeding of grazing animals such as deer, goats, rabbits, etc. Due to the decrease in the population of deer, the population of carnivorous animals like lions, and tigers also decreases.

Bio Magnification:

Biomagnification is caused by human activities that cause pollution in organisms. Biomagnification refers to an increase in the concentration of toxins (such as DDT and mercury) at successive trophic levels. This happens because the organisms cannot digest or excrete these toxins and it passes on to the next higher trophic level. For example, a high concentration of DDT decreases calcium metabolism in birds, leading to thinning and premature breaking of eggshells, leading to a decline in bird populations.

Cultural or accelerated eutrophication;

During the last century, ponds in all parts of the world have been destroyed by sewage and agricultural and industrial waste. The water of the lakes is contaminated with nitrates and phosphates. This causes an overgrowth of algae and a lack of dissolved oxygen in the lake water, which causes the death of lake animals such as fish. In addition, the decomposition of fish and other animals in the water leads to a lack of oxygen in the water, which kills all the organisms present in the lake.


Measures to conserve the ecosystem;

Humans should be more sensitive to damage to these environments and ecosystems. Along with the control of the human population, sustainable use of the resources of the ecosystem can solve many problems the ecosystem.

Afforestation will improve the health of the forest ecosystem as well as other ecosystems such as ponds and river ecosystems.

Preventing soil erosion can save both terrestrial ecosystems and aquatic ecosystems (by reducing sedimentation and aging).

A sustainable mode of development in all parts of the earth will preserve the ecosystem.

Try to solve the following questions:

  • Discuss the impact of man on the ecosystem and suggest measures to conserve the ecosystem. ( 65th BPSC geography)
  • Discuss the concept of ecosystem and examine the impact of industrial man on the ecosystem. ( 47th BPSC geography)

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